Analysis > Options > Collinearity Search Radius

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Specifies the search radius that is used in collinearity checking during file load (see Analysis > Options > Collinearity).


Coordinate points that are very close to one another are merged together. Coordinate points that are very near an edge of a surface are moved onto that edge. By default Map3D will move these points if they are within a search radius of 1000th of the edge length from the surface.


If desired, the user can use this option to define a search radius by entering a value in the data box. Other CAD packages may not link corners of surfaces together. This feature is useful for eliminating small gaps and overlaps between adjacent surfaces and blocks.




This function must be checked before loading the model file


Analysis > Load Model.


Caution must be exercised if a non-zero search radius is specified since too large a value can cause undesired merging of coordinate points thus destroying model integrity.