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Map3D is a fully integrated three-dimensional layout (CAD), visualization (GIS) and stability analysis package (BEM stress analysis). Various program modules (Map3D Versions) can be used to construct models, analyze and display stresses, strains, displacements, strength factors and probability of failure contours. Map3D is suitable for building and modelling rock and soil engineering design problems involving both irregular 3D massive excavations, tunnels, faults and tabular shapes. Models can include underground excavations, rock slopes, open pits, tunnels, fractures and surface infrastructure loads. The stress analysis models can simulate yielding (non-linear) zones of different moduli (e.g. stiff dykes or soft ore zones) and loads due to steady state thermal/fluid flow. Excavations can be intersected by multiple discrete faults (non-planar and gouge filled) that slip and open. Map3D can simulate ground support elements such as arches, steel sets, props, thick liners, chalks, backfill etc. The program is designed for fast, easy building and visualization of 3D models: •Self-contained 3D CAD system for model construction •Integrated GIS for storing, analyzing and displaying geographical reference information •Advanced boundary element (BEM) stress analysis Map3D is suitable for mining, geotechnical and civil engineering applications. What sets Map3D apart from other analysis programs is its ability to accommodate a very wide range of problems in 3D. Large, complex, fully 3D problems can be built with ease using the built-in CAD functionality. Combined use of both FF and DD elements allows for simulations of 3D excavations with intersecting fractures or shear planes. Powerful pre-processing capabilities automatically fix most model construction problems. Overlapping and intersecting surfaces are accommodated by the program without user intervention. Model discretization can be optimized by setting a few control parameters to automatically concentrate elements at locations of interest. These capabilities greatly ease the burden of model building letting you get on with engineering rather than spending your time debugging models.