Tools > Contour Colours

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Assigns custom colours for rendering contours.


Map3D uses 16 base colours for contouring.


The colours are used as follows:


Colour 0 - screen background colour.

Colour 1 – below range contour colour.

Colour 2 through 11 – contour colours.

Colour 12 above range contour colour.

Colour 13 – Tension cutoff colour.

Colour 15 – foreground colour, used for text, block outlines, trajectory symbols and grid lines.



Reassigning a colour is a three step process:


1.Pick the colour you want to redefine from one of the "Custom Colors:".
2.Set the new colour you desire by picking from the "Basic Colors:", picking from the "Color Matrix", or by setting the "Hue: Sat: Lum: Red: Green: Blue:".
3.Push the "Add to Custom Colors" button.


The custom colours are saved between analyzes in the map3d.ini file.


Contour colours can be set to Map3D default values by selecting


Tools > Set Contour Colours