CAD > Properties > Map3Di Setup > View

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This option enables visualization of Map3Di data.



Map3Di File:


The Map3Di data file is simply an ASCII data file with the default extension ".PNT".


Refer to CAD > Properties > Map3Di for details concerning data format.


Refer to Visualization > Plane > Make Map3Di File for details concerning data format.


Plot Equation:


Defines the parameter that will be plotted.


The pull-down window allows you to store up to 20 different equations. These are stored between Map3D sessions in the map3d.ini file.


Plot Variables:


f1 f2 f3… - data fields in the event file.




sin() cos() tan() - sine, cosine and tangent trigonometric functions.

asin() acos() atan() - Inverse trigonometric functions.

sqrt() - square root function.

log() - natural logarithmic function.

abs() - absolute value.

exp() - exponential function (antilogarithm).




x y z - coordinate of grid point.




+ - * / ^   addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation operators. Note that exponentials are computed first, followed by multiplication and division and finally addition and subtraction.

() [] {}   styles of brackets. Pairs of brackets must match.

>   maximum value. For example if the plot equation is specified as f1 > 10, the larger of f1 or 10 will be plotted.

<   minimum value. For example if the plot equation is specified as f1 < 10, the smaller of f1 or 10 will be plotted.


Point Plotting Options:


Outlined – Map3Di data patches are outlined.




Persist – when checked, the points will be re-plotted each time the model is reoriented, translated or zoomed. Since this may be time consuming for large models this option may not always be desired.

Translucent - draws the points as translucent spheres.

Zero Contour - when unchecked, contours below the minimum contour range are not drawn. This is useful for displaying contours where only the upper part of the contour range is important.

Range – specifies the minimium, maximum and interval for radius scaling and contouring.

ID_ISEISMIC Plot - regenerates the plot. This button can be placed on either the View Toolbar (Tools > View Toolbar Configure) or the Contour Toolbar (Tools > Contour Toolbar Configure).