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Contours the stress normal to the surface. This component can be accessed via the Strength Factor Components toolbar as follows:
This toolbar can be changed to a vertical orientation by dragging is against either the right or left hand edge of the main window. It can be changed back to a horizontal orientation by dragging is against either the top or bottom edge of the main window.
Selecting the
In elastic analysis the maximum in-plane shear stress is normally used with the in-plane normal stress and the Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion to estimate the amount of slip due to over-stressing, on a fault, joint set or bedding plane.
By contrast, in non-linear analysis the maximum in-plane shear stress can never exceed the strength unless some creep is used. In this latter case, viscous creep can allow stress states above the failure criterion, thus indicating a lack of static equilibrium. Hence for non-linear analysis one normally directly considers the amount of slip predicted by the model
Backfill-Hyperbolic in DD planes
The contour range is set using
This component can be added to the contour toolbar if desired
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