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Contours the excess stress divided by the plastic creep increment Δτs / Δεplastic on DD elements. This component can be accessed via the Strength Factor Components toolbar as follows:
This toolbar can be changed to a vertical orientation by dragging is against either the right or left hand edge of the main window. It can be changed back to a horizontal orientation by dragging is against either the top or bottom edge of the main window.
Selecting the
This feature is used only in non-linear analyzes (3D FF blocks in Map3D Non-Linear and DD planes in Map3D Fault-Slip). For details refer to
CAD > Properties > Material Properties
At each creep step the stress state on all yielding elements (elements where the stress exceeds the strength) is calculated as the strength plus the creep resistance. This limits the size of plastic creep increment Δεplastic on each yielding element
τs = Strength + C Δεplastic /Δt
C = G Δt
where the creep resistance is determined as the creep coefficient C, times the plastic strain rate. Note that the user must select both the creep coefficient C, and the time step size Δt, then specify the quotient of these as the viscous modulus G. The contribution to the stress τs, made by the creep increment is the excess stress given by
Δτs = C Δεplastic /Δt
The accumulated plastic strain εplastic, is determined as the sum of the plastic creep increments Δεplastic, for all creep steps.
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