Map3D Courses


Over 100 Map3D courses presented by
Dr. Terry Wiles
Over 1000 engineers trained to date.

Learn the ins and outs of modelling with Map3D direct from the author, Dr. Terry Wiles. Dr. Wiles has personally presented more than 125 Map3D courses in Australia, Canada, Chile, South Korea, South Africa, Sweden and USA over the past 35 years. More than 1126 engineers, researchers, students etc. have benefited from these courses that teach you what you need to know to apply modelling to solve practical design problems.

Over 100 Map3D courses presented by Map3D International Ltd representatives:

More than 100 courses have been presented by Map3D International representatives in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Bukina Faso, Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Chile, Ecuador, Eritrea, Ghuana, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Kazakhstan, Mali, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Africa, Tanzania, Turkey, USA, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

For on-site or online training, please contact:
Open House Management Solutions - Africa
Tecnologia Y Geociencias Limitada, Latin America
LVI Geotechnical, Central Asia
Nemcco International, North America and Europe
Optimize Group, Brazil

Course Theme:

The entire course will concentrate on hands on learning of model calibration, interpretation and application allowing participants to work through real mining examples in a combined lecture/tutorial style.

Course Content:

Theory and application of failure criterion, back analysis, elastic and plastic modelling. Application of statistics and probability of failure are covered in detail. Features including time saving automatic generation of Excel plots are demonstrated tutorial style.


A full set of course notes will be provided in PDF format to all participants. These notes include all presentation slides with notes, detailing the concepts discussed.

Who Should Attend:

The course will benefit anyone who wants to increase their familiarity with modelling, rock mechanics and model interpretation. The course is aimed at engineers who wish to understand and apply modelling to underground mining. To get the most out of the course, participants should already have basic modelling skills and familiarity with Map3D.

As the course provides a complete review of methodologies for elastic and plastic model interpretation, supervisors and non-modelling personnel will find the course useful for understanding modelling. Senior mining staff as well as personnel who intend to use Map3D have benefited from this course. The reliable calculation of the probability of failure is fundamental to any assessment of mine safety and stability.

2011 Rock Mechanics Award of the Rock Engineering Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM):

"Dr. Terry Wiles has made significant and practical contributions to the practice of mining and rock engineering by bringing scientific advancements and training in numerical modelling design to many mine sites in Canada, and around the world. He has, furthermore, developed what is arguably some of the most utilized and practically-applied modelling software that currently exists at mine sites. Additionally, he has provided on-site training for the application of numerical modelling theory to several generations of rock mechanics engineers who are continuing his tradition of training future young mining engineers to become productive members of the mining engineering community."

2016 inductee to the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame

International Mining Technology Hall of Fame
"Since its introduction, the software developed by Wiles has been the most widely used stress analysis software at mines sites worldwide. It is currently used by many hundreds of mining, civil and geotechnical companies, consultants, research centres and universities around the world. A further indication of the impact of the software is that there has been a direct industry driven need for continuous training at mine sites worldwide. This has resulted in more than 100 Map3D courses disseminated by Terry Wiles in Australia, Canada, Chile, Korea, South Africa, Sweden and USA. These courses have been attended by over 1,000 practising rock engineering specialists. The accessibility of Map3D has made it the reference tool in both industry and academia. This is reflected in the International Conference forums in Rock Engineering and Deep and High Stress where a large number of publications and presentations refer directly to results obtained using Map3D."

Upcoming Events:

Kalgoorlie Australia

Presented by Dr. Terry Wiles (Map3D International Ltd - developer of the Map3D software)

Course Details

  • Location: Kalgoorlie, Australia
  • Venue: The Rydges Kalgoorlie, 21 Davidson St, South Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, 6430
  • Phone: +61-855-516-1090
  • Date: 4-5-6 June 2025
  • Time: 9AM-5PM (Lunch included)
  • Course fees: Attendance, lectures, notes (does not include accommodation): US$4500.
  • Advanced registration and payment required by 4 May 2025

Course Details

Upcoming Events:

Perth, Australia, 4-5-6 June 2025

Course Details

Course registration

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