Multiple fault problem

Multiple fault problem
This example demonstrates a mining model intersected by multiple discrete fault planes. Note that the intersections between the faults and mining were constructed automatically by Map3D during the preprocessing analysis stage. Also note that the discretization has been automatically concentrated at the most important locations, i.e. near intersections and where result planes intersect the model. 7 mining steps were used to study the stress redistribution as mining progressed.
The model was constructed with 253 3D blocks using FF (fictitious force) elements to describe various excavations. 117 DD (displacement discontinuity) elements were used to describe the faults. 329 3D blocks were used to describe accesses and drifts not used in the analysis. From this data, Map3D generated 4598 surfaces and subsequently discretized these into 28013 boundary elements, thus requiring over 84000 degrees of freedom. 25219 grid points were calculated for display of the results. Due to efficient lumping, the matrix size required for this analysis was under 1 GByte.