Power house intersected by a fault

Power house intersected by a fault

The figure shows the slip on the fault.

In this example the powerhouse is constructed with FF (fictitious force) elements and the fault is constructed with DD (displacement discontinuity) elements. The DD elements are filled with an elasto-plastic gouge material that yields according to the frictional strength Mohr-Coulomb criterion.

838 surfaces were used to describe this problem. Map3D subsequently discretized the model into 5236 boundary elements.

Sample Code

This entire operation can easily be completed in well under one minute.

ex3-t10.zipcontains the analysis results pictured above.

Download Example
  1. Unzip ex3-t10.zip to create ex3-t10.001
  2. To display these results in Map3D, use File > Open Analysis Results and select ex3-t10.001
  3. To display the ride on the fault use Plot > Surface Components > Ride.
  4. To display the stress distribution around the powerhouse use Plot > Stress > Major Principal Stress.