Activate the strength factors toolbar – after Map3D BEM analysis.
This toolbar is meant to provide quick access to the failure mode plots.
Rock mass Strength

Plot > Strength Factors > Strength Parameters parameters. modifies the 3D Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown and Drucker-Prager strength
Plot > Strength Factors > SF-A contours the strength/stress ratio using method A
Plot > Strength Factors > SF-B contours the strength/stress ratio using method B
Plot > Strength Factors > SF-C contours the strength/stress ratio using method C
Plot > Strength Factors > SF/A contours the stress/strength ratio using method A
Plot > Strength Factors > SF/B contours the stress/strength ratio using method B
Plot > Strength Factors > SF/C contours the stress/strength ratio using method C
Plot > Strength Factors > dS1 contours the excess major principal stress Δσ1
Plot > Strength Factors > dTmax contours the excess maximum shear stress Δτmax = Δ½ ( σ1 - σ3 )
Plot > Strength Factors > dToct contours the excess octahedral shear stress Δτoct = Δ1/3 [(σ1 - σ2)² + (σ2 - σ3)² +(σ3 - σ1)²]½
Plot > Strength Factors > Ns1 contours the probability of failure calculated as N(Δσ1/s) where s is the standard deviation.
Plot > Strength Factors > Acc contours the accumulated damage.
In-Plane Strength

Plot > Strength Factors > In-plane parameters modifies the Mohr-Coulomb in-plane strength parameters
Plot > Strength Factors > SF-ip contours the strength/stress ratio using in-plane stresses
Plot > Strength Factors > SF/ip contours the stress/strength ratio using in-plane stresses
Plot > Strength Factors > dTip contours the excess in-plane shear stress Δτip
Plot > Strength Factors > NTip contours the probability of failure calculated as N(Δτip/s) where s is the standard deviation.
Plot > Strength Factors > Acc contours the accumulated damage.
Ubiquitous-Plane Strength

Plot > Strength Factors > Ubiquitous Parameters modifies the Mohr-Coulomb ubiquitous -plane strength parameters
Plot > Strength Factors > SF-ub contours the strength/stress ratio using ubiquitous-plane stresses
Plot > Strength Factors > SF/ub contours the stress/strength ratio using ubiquitous-plane stresses
Plot > Strength Factors > dTub contours the excess ubiquitous-plane shear stress Δτub
Plot > Strength Factors > NTub contours the probability of failure calculated as N(Δτip/s) where s is the standard deviation.
Plot > Strength Factors > Acc contours the accumulated damage.
The strength factors toolbar can only be activated after the model building - CAD Stage
Map3D Analysis Stages
Any of these components can be added to the contour toolbar if desired
Tools > Configure Contouring Toolbar